
Track translations and automate workflow.


Why Transtats?

In a software release cycle, localization steps like extracting or updating language resource, pushing them to translation platform, pulling them back and packaging, quality checks, etc., are necessary but sometimes they lack attention which affects translation quality and timely delivery.

Transtats helps to tie up loose ends and make packages ready to ship with translation completeness. It's an attempt to automate some of the steps. Idea is to sync with translation platform for statistics (How is the progress?), compare them with product release build system (Is latest translations packaged?), looking into translation differences (What piece of translation cause an error or remain untranslated?), give at-a-glance picture for managing the l10n effort progress (release by release), and create notifications (Based on release dates: to Developers, Quality Engineers, Language/Package Maintainers and Managers).

How Transtats Works

Transtats jobs sync with translation platforms, release calendars, upstream repositories and build system to pull translation resources. Then, it analyses and processes the data. Futhermore, information is represented through tables, charts & graphs for territories, languages, product releases and packages. YML based jobs enhance capabilities and make it flexible!

Transtats Stack

Transtats Usage

Tracking translation completeness of packages for product releases with respect to current development seems meaningful to localization teams, developers, package maintainers and quality engineers. From estimating translation update volume to inspecting translations in the built package, Transtats can be engaged throughout a release.

Package translation completeness

Once a package is sync’ed with the translation platform, upstream repository, and build system through jobs, meaningful results can be obtained. It shows the translation position at all three places. Plus with branch mapping done, differences could be calculated which indicate whether a package is out-of-sync or not, and if so, which languages need attention to get it fixed.

Translation volume estimation

Having an estimate at an early stage of the development cycle is very helpful for managing localization effort. Transtats does it for releases across packages. It has three views: combined, detailed and per language. This is achieved through branch mapping maintained for every package. It is helpful for language and package maintainers to track messages during translation and packaging.

Product release readiness

An attempt to group statistics of languages for a release by territory. By clicking on a territory one can know which languages people speak there. It shows high level summary about translations at both platform and build system too. Congratulations to the translation teams making it to trending languages list for the latest release.

Translation coverage
based on rules

Sometimes tracking translation status of a component (for a release) is required, where a component comprises of a set of packages. This can be achieved by creating coverage rules. Rule of a package set for a specific release in associated (to release branch) or selected languages.